Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Question of the Week (10/15/10)

Follow the directions below and post your will to the blog. A suggestion would be to type your will in a word document and then cut and paste it onto the blog. Wills are due by the end of the school day on Tuesday.

In Act III of Our Town, Emily has died in childbirth. She joins other characters among the dead,
such as Simon Stimson, Mrs. Gibbs, and Mrs. Soames. The dead observe the lives of the living
and comment on their lack of understanding of life and living.
Your task is to write a will for Emily, who has just died in childbirth, or for Simon Stimson or
Mrs. Gibbs. Keep in mind the will is be read aloud to family and friends a few days after your character’s death. The purpose of a will is to distribute personal belongings, like money or material possessions,
and to express one’s final wishes and thoughts. Here are some ideas that might be appropriate for
your character’s will:
• What do you want to tell your children? The town? The world? Your spouse? Your
• If you are writing Simon’s will, why did you choose to die the way you did? Why didn’t
you seek help and live out the rest of your life?
• Would your character leave any advice for anyone?
• Would your character divide his or her possessions? You can assume certain possessions
that are not mentioned in the play as long as they are consistent with the character and the
time period.
Write in first person, from your character’s point of view. Wills should be about one page in
length. Do not forget to revise and/or proofread to reduce grammatical errors. Use the following
line as your beginning:
“I, __________, declare this to be my last will and testament….”


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    I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope that this letter will serve both as guidance to split up my belongings, and to give my last words to my dear friends and family. To my dear husband, I would like to give half money. The rest should be distributed to the children when they leave to set up their own homes, as he sees fit. For my personal belongings, such as my dresses, please keep them safe until my daughter comes of age. I have nothing much to offer to my son, but many happy years. I want everyone to know that I love them dearly. These belongings are trivial compared to the message I want to share.
    As one of Grover's Corner Citizens wrote, we are only a small part of the world. I want my children to know, however, that this fact should not stop them from being who they are, and doing what they think is good in the world. Even if you are not brave enough to make large changes, appreciating your family and friends, spending time with people you love every moment, it is fine. Most importantly, is for us to remember that life should be appreciated. Instead of walking blindly through, passing the hours by, waiting for the next day, we should rise to every opportunity we have. Before you know it, you're all grown up and " thousands of days have gone by". As someone once said "No one remarkable has ever come out of Grover's Corners", I'd like to take this last opportunity to tell all my loved one and friends: Live when you have a chance. Before you know it, you're old and wrinkled or about to pass away. These last hourse of my life have been filled with deep regret. I walked through life without a care "stomping on people's feelings" with only my selfish interest in mind. For this, I am deeply sorry for any pain I've caused. I wish that I could tell you how sorry I am, but there are no words to describe this regret. Take chance and do things. Don't watch life fly by. The clock is ticking for everyone. No one has as much time as they think.
    I love you all, I am sad to leave the world with these words being my last.
    I feel though, that they are important to share. It is never too late to start appreciating life.

  3. I, Julia Hersey Gibbs declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope that by creating this will, I can do my part to help my family. In the event of my death, I wish to have three hundred and eighty dollars given to my son George Gibbs and his wife, Emily Webb Gibbs. For record keeping purposes, this is the amount I had saved to send my son George to agriculture school. I pose no restriction as to how this money is to be used. Also to my daughter in-law Emily I give an antique brooch. George will know which one. To my daughter Rebecca, I give all my personal clothing items including a silver locket with my initials on it. I would like it to be passed down in their family as it was in mine, if it’s not too much trouble. All of my money is in a combined account with my husband, Dr. Frank Gibbs, so I cannot distribute my own money separately. I would however like to make a request of my husband to give Rebecca and her new husband one hundred dollars as this is the amount I was prepared to send them to help them along at their new home in Ohio. Also, if the money can be spared, I was hoping Frank could give a small donation to the Church choir in my memory.
    In my last moments on this earth, I give my blessing to both my children and their spouses. I hope George and Emily are able to bring back the farm and if they have trouble with it I hope Frank is in a position to help them. I bless my daughter Rebecca and hope she and her husband are happy in Ohio. Rebecca, you visit Grover’s Corners! Ohio is a long ways away and it is natural for you to return to where you were born. And last of all I hope Frank takes a little time off from the practice. What he needs is a vacation. I would hate to see him work himself to death. Rebecca and George, you must see that does not happen. Also, as long as there is someone living in our old house, is must be well taken care of. If it is to be sold, I want Frank to make the final decisions, because I know he will decide as I would have done.
    As to my final words, I am not one to be showy or to have an elaborate speech. I just want to wish my family well and to thank everyone for a wonderful life. If there is one thing I want people to know, it is that I die happy, thankful for my time on this big beautiful world of ours. I wish more people appreciated their time with their loved ones. It is a wonderful thing to die content, and I wish more people did.
    Mrs. Julia Hersey Gibbs

  4. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. My hope is that this will, can sort some things out after my death. I wish for the money that I leave behind to be given half to my beloved husband and the other half to be saved for things that my children will need in the coming years, as they grow up. As for my belongings, I want my dresses and jewelry to be saved until my daughter grows up and fits into them. However, these are but material things. The more important message I want to leave to people, and more importantly my family is what I am quickly realizing now. People don’t appreciate life to its fullest until it’s in jeopardy. I hope that anyone who reads this letter realizes the same thing I did, and changes the way of going about life while they still have time. When you’re young, it feels like you know everything and have forever to live, but let me assure you that is false. Time quickly goes by and you suddenly realize that you don’t have a lot of it left in this world. That is not to say that you should now start sitting around thinking about the best possible way to live the rest of your life to the fullest. What I am trying to say is that you should treasure and take advantage of every single opportunity that comes around to you because it will never come around again.

    I made a big mistake throughout my life in not appreciating life while I had it. I hope that this letter helps to encourage you to do differently. It is never too late.

    Lots of love,

    Emily Gibbs

  5. I, Simon Stimson, declare this to be my last will and testament. This document has been written to share my final feelings and wishes.
    Firstly, I know I will die. In fact, I am going to kill myself. I do not want help, for I want to die. And by the time you hear this, it will be too late for me. Life no longer has any hold on me. I cannot take the idea of the same annoying routine continuing. Life is not all what its cracked up to be. I have seen things that I wish no other person to ever see, and they haunt me to this day. I cannot get images of the war out of my head and have realized that I never will. When you have a constant aching inside yourself, you know its time to go. So I plan to end my pointless life, to rid myself of this feeling.
    I don’t exactly know how yet. I figure I will be very drunk one day soon. At that time, I will do the deed whatever way comes along.
    As for my belongings, I want my wife to receive all the money I have made throughout our marriage. I would like to tell her that through my drunken fights, she has been the only thing that has stopped me from doing this earlier. My wife and music has made living in this tiny town better. Sadly, it wasn’t good enough for me. My wife will also get every antique, and anything else she wants in the house. I do not care what happens to the rest.
    For my funeral, I would like to be buried, but before that I want my Uniform to be burned. I also ask that I be buried along side with my whiskey, may it always have the power to take feeling away. Hopefully, the funeral will be short, and I’m assuming that not that very many people will come.
    For those who do, make sure to tell them that life isn’t to great. Ask them to think about why they are here, and what have they actually accomplished in their insignificant lives. I know I haven’t done anything I am proud of, and will never do anything worthwhile. Ask them why they are so special, and ask how many of them would wish that they could just start over. I want them to hear these questions because that is what I’ve been wondering about for the past 10 years. That’s part of what I can’t take too. There are so many questions, and no answers. I would personally like to tell the world that I am done with it and all its problems. And on my tombstone, I want music. Goodbye and Good riddance,
    Simon Stimson

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. In this paper I shall divide up my estate and give it to people whom I wish I could spend more time with, but as a result of my unfortunate childbirth, am unable to do so. I wish for all the money that I have to be given to my husband, for investing in stocks and the farm. At such time that the children reach an age of majority, I wish that George use 3/16 of the money to help them go to college, and for 1/16 to be given to them to help them as they go about their lives as adults. I hope that George invests wisely, but if there is not enough money to send them to college, to give them it and set them off on their journeys as adults. I have also set aside a small amount of funds for My burial, and any leftover from that should be given to the town baseball team, which I know George loves ever so dearly. I would like my funeral to be a simple one, with everyone in town invited, but then a smaller ceremony with my closest friends and my family afterwards. For my personal belongings, all my jewelry and dresses should be given to our daughter, but to give all my furniture to my son, as to make it equal. This is once they reach the age of majority at least, or whenever the dressed fit our daughter. I wish I could be with all of you once more, but know that it is impossible, as I will have departed this earth. However, know that I will be waiting for you in heaven, and am glad that I will be able to see the departed of this town. Please do not mourn overly so at my death, just enjoy the moment and the time you have left.
    Emily Gibbs

  8. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope to equally divide my possessions between my friends and family. I wish to give all my money to my wonderful husband, George. Please invest it and spend it wisely. Next, I would like my clothing, jewelery, pots and pans and my sterling silver fork that was given to me by my grandmother. I have cherished that for many years, and hope you do too. To my friends: I want you all to evenly divide up my cows and horses and use them for what they are for. They are the key to what make life easy.
    I wish for my funeral to be a quick and painless funeral. There is not enough time to mourn so much over my death. You must have fun living your life, or you won't have much time to see the joy of life. I will be watching over all of you in heaven, and I cannot wait until you all join me up here in this beautiful place. But in the meantime, focus on life and what it can give to you. The opportunities you have in life are so great and I hope you can have those opportunities to make your life more enjoyable. I wish you all the best in your lives.

    Emily Gibbs

  9. I Emily Gibbs, Declare this to be my last will and testament. By writing this will I hope that this will allow me to express my final thoughts and sort some thing out. I would like to start with my money that I have saved up. I would like all of this to go to my darling children , and beloved husband George. I will ask that you take care of this money and use this money to help and support our kids, and home. I would also like to give 1/4 of the money to our children when they reach 18 and move on with their life, and get married. I would like 2/4 of the money to be put away for their college expensises, and if they do not end up going to college I would like you to split the share with them. For all of my belongings I would like to hand them down to my daughter, and just to let her know that I will think of her everyday and wish her the best of luck in her life. Also that you have to appreciate what you have, because one day it might all dissapear. I would like to give my son all the luck in the world, and to let him know that I love him dearly and want him to help his father with the farm and help his sister get along.
    In this part of my will I would just like to let everyone in Grovener’s corner know that with everything in my heart, I love you all. This is the town that I have lived in my whole life and everyone has made an impact to me in some way. I would also like to let you all know to live life to the fullest. Life is only a part of your journey so enjoy it while it last. Most living people do not get that soon one day you are not going to be hear on earth and everything is going to be gone. So even the smallest things are important. I made the mistake of thinking that life goes on forever, but it doesn’t, so please appreciate what you have. For my kids, I know that it is going to be hard not having a mother but I would like for you to know that I love you no matter what, and that I will always be your mother.
    My time is up and I am in a happy place now, so with all my heart, I wish you all luck, and happiness, and finally I will say goodbye to earth.
    “May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.” -Irish Blessings quotes
    Emily Gibbs

  10. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. In this will, I will be telling you my final thoughts on life and to divide up my belongs to those I love. I am going to give all of my money to my wonderful husband george. I know that you are a very smart man George and you will know exactly what to do with the money. You would make all of the same choices that I would have made. We need our children to go to college and be successful people, please make the right choices george. I will give all of my other possessions to my children. I will give my clothes and jewelry to my beloved daughter and anything that is left over will go to my son. George, I know that there will be other women in your life and you may remarry. I know that there will still be a place in your heart for me. Children, even if your dad choses to remarry, still remember that I am your mother and I will always love you.
    I would like my funeral to be short because people spend to much time mourning and not enjoying life. Everyone in Grovers Corners is invited. All of you have given me so much and always were there for me. I know all of you personally and all of your are the nicest people I know. Remember don't mourn for me too long and just enjoy life to the fullest because one day it could all disappear. I am sorry for any pain I have caused to anyone of you. Finally, George I love you so much and wish the best for you.
    Goodbye Grovers Corners, you have given me so much.
    Sincerely, Emily Gibbs

  11. I, Simon Stimson, declare this to be my last will and testament. First, I would like everyone to know that I know how and when I am going to die. I am going to kill myself. I cannot stand this life any longer. It is just too painful and boring to live it. I don’t like the fact that everyone on this old town does the same thing every day. The routine bores me and I need a change. I also cannot stand the memories of war and they torture me every day and every night. I have terrible dreams that I cannot deal with and during the day some things are too painful to look at because they remind me of the war. I do not want to be stopped and do not need help from anybody. Anyway, by the time you read this, it will be too late for help.
    I wish for my belongings to be given to my wife. All of them. She will need something to remember me by and if she does not want to remember she can get rid of anything she doesn’t need. I would also like her to know that I did love her. I just could not live in Grover’s Corners, or anywhere for that matter, any longer.
    As for my funeral, I wish for my body to be burned and my ashes scattered just outside of the border of Grover’s Corners, so I do not have to be a part of the everyday life here. Along with my ashes I would appreciate it if some of my whiskey was sprinkled over my ashes. I am grateful for the many times it took the pain away from living and memories, it was a large part of my later life and would like for it to be with my ashes. I would also like to have a small memorial for those who wish to come. I assume not many people would come but I would like for there to be an option if anyone wants to go.
    I would like to advise everybody in Grover’s Corners who may read this that sometimes life is more painful than death could ever be. If that were to be the case for you, as it was for me, I would advise you to either get help or end everything quickly. I would also advise you to think about all the things and people you love and if they could live without you. You many not realize this, but dying is a one-time deal. If you are thinking irrationally and make a bad decision, you can’t come back and fix it.
    I am glad to be out of this place.
    Simon Stimson

  12. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope that this document will help my family now that I am gone. I would like my dresses, silver locket, hairbrush, and nice shoes to go to my daughter when she is old enough. My copy of Shakespeare’s plays and my dictionary should go to my son when he can read. George, I have known you almost my whole life. I am sure that you will take wonderful care of our children when I am gone. The years I spent on this earth have been wonderful thanks to you. To my daughter, if you work hard and love others you will live a very happy life. To my son, be sure that you focus on what is important in life, like the people you love and what you can do to help others. I lived a life full of happiness, and you can’t ask for more than that. All of my other family and friends, thank you for your love and support through my whole life. Even though no one famous has lived in Grover’s Corners, you are all good-hearted people and I love everyone in this town. I hope that everyone in Grover’s Corners will come to my funeral.


  13. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. The purpose of this document is to divide my belongings amongst family and friends, as well as giving some words of wisdom. First item of business is to divide up the money I have earned through my years of life. One half of the money will be left for my loving husband, George. May he live a happy rest of his life with the children. The other half of the money will be split up evenly between our children. May they lead successful and fulfilling lives and grow up to be responsible and caring adults. I would like my daughter to receive all my clothes and my jewelry when George feels that she is fit to own them. My son, I would like him to be brought up to be a nice young gentleman. I want him to know that I love him very much and that I’m his biggest supporter even we never knew each other.
    I will now leave you with a piece of advice, for if you are reading this you are important in my life. May you learn to appreciate all the little things in life, for they will be the things you’ll miss the most. I was never able to realize this until it was too late and have been missing many things.
    Your friend Emily

  14. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I wish that this document will help my family and my friends distribute my belongings, and to express my final thoughts. To my husband George, half of my money to be used thoughtfully for raising the children, keeping our home, and supporting the farm. The second half of my money is to be given to my children equally when they reach the age of 18. Also to be given to my children the rest of my belongings (such as clothing, valuables, and etc.).
    Oh how I will miss you children. I love you more than life its self, and I hope for you to be very successful and happy. George, I love you and I will miss you too, I hope that the farm will be successful, and please, raise the children well because I know you can. Father, I love you, thank you for raising me and teaching me so much knowledge. To all of my friends, and Grover’s Corners, thank you, you have given me so many opportunities, you taught me about life, and you have given me a place to call home. To all of my family, friends and Grover’s Corner’s, please live life to the fullest and cherish every moment because before you know it you might be dead, and you’ll have nothing to hold on to.
    Sincerely, Emily Gibbs

  15. I, Emily Webb, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope that you all teke these last ideas of mine to heart because they have taken all the years of my life to put them into words. I hope my family, friends and loved ones aren’t taking this too hard, you shouldn’t let the end of my life, create the end to yours. It is amazing how one life can effect another in such a large world. If you think about the billioins of people in this world and how many people each one affects, the outcome is amazing, everyone is connected to everyone in someway. But to my husband my children and my belongings. I leave half of my money to my husband who I will miss dearly, because I know he will use it well. I also entrust the rest of my money for george to hold onto until my children come to an age where they are in need of it. For my more personal items I leave any of my belongings to George and the farm. I hope that any other belongings can be given away to those in need. If anything of mine that George thinks will be useful to my family or children let him decide whether or not to keep the item until the time comes when they can use it. As a last world I feel like you should try to live your life more to the fullest. Take advantage of the world around you and apreciate it but do not try to accompish eveything in this world, otherwise your life will have gone to wast. So take advantage of everything around you because it could all be gone in a second.

    Love to all those who loved me, and even those who never did, I will miss you more than you miss me…

    Emily Webb,

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  17. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. First I would like to say that I thank you all, my friends and family, for being there for me and helping me through all the things that I have been through. I created this document to hopefully help divide my possessions and give my last thoughts. I want all my family to know that I love you, and that I hope you can continue to live your life happily. I want George to know that I love him very much and that I thank him for being with me and loving me with all his strength. To my children, I want them to grow up strong and spirited. I want them to know that I am sorry to leave them in the cruel world but that I love them, and will eventually see them on the other side. I want them to be happy and successful and to work hard. Now, as for the money I attained, I would like half to go to my dear husband George. Please take care of it. I know you will. The second half will go to my wonderful children when they turn 18 years of age. If something were to tragically happen to one, then please use that money that would have been given to them when they turn eighteen to be used for funeral costs. Anything left can be split among the children. My possessions should like my cookware should be left with George in the house. My jewelry should be given to my children when they reach of age. Anything that I might have left out can be left to be decided by George what happens to it. I want everyone to know that I love them. And that they need to be strong in hard times. Even though I’m gone, I will always be with you my children and family. Finally, to George I love you. I love you so much.
    Your Darling Mother and Wife,
    Emily Gibbs.

  18. I, Emily Webb Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. In fear that my time is soon to come, I write this as a last message to my family, friends, and the town of Grover's Corners. I would first like to say that I love all of you. You all had a role in raising me, from my parents, to my teachers, my friends, and neighbors I looked up to, and I thank you for that. I would like my husband to know how much I loved him and will never forget when we first fell in lover and our marriage. My hope for you is to be happy and lead the life you've always dreamed of. Please tell our children that even though I have never met one of them, that I love them just the same and I'm sorry I cannot be their to raise them. My advice to them is to be thankful for what they have and cherish every moment they have with their family. To my friends, I thank you for always being their for me. I wish you all the best and hope you find that even the little things in life can often be the most important and life-changing. And to my family, I love you all and will miss you so much. Please do not mourn the loss of your children for too long. Live the rest of your life to the fullest, remembering the happiest of moments, instead of the harder times. I would like to tell the town of Grover's Corners, New Hampshire that I would not be the same person I am today without your guidance. I love this town and the people in it. It was and still is the perfect place for children to grow up, and I will miss it very much.
    I would like to address the division of my possessions. I would like do donate my clothing to families in need through the Congregational Church, excluding the dress that belonged to my grandmother and was given to me by my mother on my twelfth birthday. I would like that to be returned to my mother as both a memory of me and her mother. I would like my husband, George Gibbs, to have my wedding ring, as it is a memory of the love we shared. Also, the post-card album that George gave me on my twelfth birthday, I would like to be given to my children, for them to collect their memories. My brother, Wallace Webb, who has already passed on, made a small chest for my keep-sakes. Since this cannot be returned to him now, I would like it to be sent to Canton, Ohio, and given to Rebecca Gibbs, who was a dear friend of mine. The rest of my possessions, I would like to be kept in their place, allowing George to do with them whatever he wishes.
    I truly love everyone from the town of Grover's Corners and wish you all the best. I hope George, our children, and my parents know how much I truly love them. My lesson to them is to cherish every moment they have of living and to slow down and embrace everything that comes their way.
    With love to all,
    Emily Webb Gibbs

  19. I, Emily W. Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I must admit that if you get this now it was an unexpected time for my life to end; I would never have thought that life could be cut so short. If I could, I would love to sit down my little children and tell them that everything was going to be okay and they will still grow up to be big and strong so they can lead their own lives, even without Mommy there to help them through everything. I hope they know that no matter what, I will always love them. I also want my husband, George Gibbs to know that I am sorry. I'm sorry that I could not be around long enough for us to raise our children and grow old together, but I beg you to, please, enjoy every second of it to the fullest. I want you to waste no time mourning over my death and just remember all the good times we have had in our lives. Most importantly, George, please remember that I love you and our children more than anything in the world. My dearest mother and father, there are not words to express my thanks to you for being there for me my entire life. I will never forget how wonderful you have always been. Please tell the same to our town; I know that people will spend days, maybe even weeks or months, mourning the loss of a friend and it is not worth wasting even a minute of life being unhappy. To all my friends, please know that I remember all that we have gone through together, even in death. I have learned many things throughout my life and have come to decided that one should live every second as if it was your last. Looking back on my past, I realize that I have not been so wise to have done that and it is my biggest regret. All of my money will be going to my husband, George Gibbs, so he can be successful in raising our two beautiful children and keeping up the family farm, I know that he will. All of my clothes and old dolls from my youth will go to my sister-in-law Rebecca Gibbs so that she can give them to her daughters or use them herself. I entrust my husband to do what he likes with all of my other things and give to my parents whatever they feel they need aside from what I have already stated. I will miss you so much.
    Love to all,

  20. I, Emily Webb Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I understand that my death was a surprise that came to most - to my husband, my family, my baby girl, and most of all myself. Please remember that i will always be with you in times of trouble. Even when you may seem lonely, keep in your minds that you are never truly alone. Do not remember what we did not do, but what we did, and what we acheived from that messed up world i lived in with you all. My daughter, I realize you will never meet your mother, but do not think of this a hardship in your life but as an oppurtunity to become even closer to your dear father George. Remember that i love you dearly even though we never met. I will always be with you. I would like to leave the choice of your name to my husband and your father George, as you will be able to understand her personality and decide a name that will suit her perfectly. Please know, though, that her name should mean something to the both of us. I am sorry i was not able to live my life longer and get to know you better, my child. If there is one thing you take out of this will is this piece of advice: never take your life for granted. As perfectly shown by my quick death, you can never go through life without realizing the privileges that it gives you, as you can never be sure of when it will disappear like a bird on the wing.
    Many members of my family have passed on along with me, but to those who are still down on earth i would like to split up my belongings between you all. All my dolls and young children's toys i would like to go to my daughter. my mother and father, i entrust you with the work-realated things i have done and all the gifts you have given to me, gifts that i did not appreciate enough but please know that i am endlessly grateful. My friend, Rebecca, please take my clothing and jewelry - i know you were always the type for that fancy thing. George, my love, everything else i have not stated is yours, and i trust of you to divide what you think necessary among those others i have not stated.
    If there was anything i was not able to tell you when i was still on earth, forgive me my loved ones. I tried. i will admit that i did not appreciate life as much as i should have, which i now beleive is the most important thing to do. Do not just go through life without thinking: what could i do to make the most of this moment? That will hold you through your life, and please remember that.
    Much love to you all,

  21. I, Emily Webb Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope that my last words bring good advice and happiness to those who hear them. To my family, and friends of Grovers Corners, I have decided to split my money to four people. I will give one third to my loving husband, George Gibbs, one third to my beloved children, for when they come of age, and the last third shall be given to my father, Mr. Webb. Don’t be sad for me, as for I would not want you all to be sad. Just continue life and live to the fullest. For my personal belongs, I will have George decide what to give and keep. George, keep some of my belongings for the children, so they have it for their own homes when they have their own families. My two beautiful Children, I am sad that I could not watch you grow up and get to know you, but I am happy that I have brought you into this world and I am excited for your father to see your life. Be nice to your father, because you are family, and you can always rely on each other. I would also like some of the money to go to the funeral. I don’t want a big one, and I will not expect others to spend money on me after I have past.
    Last of all, I do not want to be buried. I believe that before we were on this world we did not take up space, and after we have gone from this world we should not as well. I would like to be cremated, and if possible, have a tree planted on the farm so the kids and their families can come visit me in years to come.
    Once again, do not spend too much time in grief about my death. Live life to the fullest and think about me in happy times. I want to let people that if it is my time to go, then it is my time to go, and hopefully I will see all my loved ones again, but I would like to think in a long, long time.


    Emily Webb Gibbs

  22. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. The reasoning for this document is to express my feelings to my family, friends, and town about my near death. When this day comes I would like the people to know how I will divide my belongings amongst my family members and friends. 1/4 of my money will be going to my husband to do anything he wishes with the money. The other 3/4 will be for my children, it will be decided amongst themselves how that money is split. All my clothes an jewlery will go to my loving daughter because we always had a great relationship with each other. All our livestock will stay with the family because it is simply needed. My son, I would like him to be a succesful grown-up and someday start a loving family.
    I will now like to say a few words. Everybody in my life has been special, if your reading this I would like to thank you for being part of my life. It's been a great ride and can't thank enough people indivually. To George, I love you, and keep the family going the way you always have.
    Love, Emily Gibbs

  23. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and Testament. I wish that all of my friends and family are at the reading of this document. I wish to give my children half of my money to be divided evenly among them. I wish for the other half to be given to my lovely and caring husband George. I will give all of my livestock to George as well. All of my dresses and clothing will go to my friends that supported me through out my life and thank you for helping me through hard times. I will leave all of my other items to George to give to other people or to keep. George you have helped me through life you made me live life to the fullest. I remember when I first new I loved you. That was the happiest day of my life. Make sure you save a few dresses for my Daughter so that she will be as pretty as she could possibly be when she grows up. Children find someone you love and settle down and marry them. Start a business, have a nice house and nice family. Have children teach them how to grow up carry on our family for me. To all my friends I will miss u as I know you will miss me. Carry on your friendships stay connected. Make sure my funeral is not large only family and friends should go, you don’t want to grieve over me for to long go back to your normal lives. You have too much ahead of you. George keep working on the farm and remember never give up. I will always love you forever and ever. I hope that you continue to live strongly in the years after my death and that are children grow up to be strong men and women. I hope that you will always remember me in your prayers. I most definitely remember you in the after life.

    Love, Emily Gibbs

  24. I, Julia Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope that when you’re reading this, whoever you may be, you aren’t filled with the sorrow for the loss of me. I hope that you are filled with happiness, in fact. Happiness for the fact that I had a lovely life, and even if I am not with you anymore, you will remember me, and I will remember you. I have decided to give a third of my life savings to my husband, Dr. Frank Gibbs. The other third will go to my only daughter, Rebecca Gibbs, and the last third will go to My son, George Gibbs, and his beautiful wife, Emily Webb. I wish to have my silver bracelet given to my daughter, Rebecca. Take good care of it, it was your great grandmothers. George, I am passing down grandpa’s pocket watch. He used it all through his life, and I always knew I would give it to you one day. I hope it will come in handy for you in the future. For Emily, I would like to pass down my broach that Frank Gibbs gave to me as a wedding present. I hope you love it as much as I did. As for my dresses and the rest of my jewelry, I wish them to be saved, until my darling daughter is old enough to use them.
    I want to encourage my children to do something with their lives. I always wanted to travel somewhere. Somewhere far away where nobody has even heard of Grovers Corners. I got so caught up in the routine of the town that I never had the chance to live while I was alive. I encourage you to take the money I left you, and do something that you will never forget no matter the circumstances. Even if you are far away though, always come back to Grovers Corners. Never forget the town that watched you grow and mature. Come back with stories of the outside world. I give this advice, and I wish I had followed it in my own life. I love you all so much, and wish you the best of luck in the future.
    Signed, Julia Gibbs

  25. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I leave all my belongings to my beloved husband George Gibbs, and my beloved child. I hope that by the time i die, i can say children. I hope all who read this know that i miss them, and eternally will. Please do not mourn my death, focus on more important things in life.

  26. I agree with Mr. Friedland in the fact that emily would not have wanted an elaborate funeral, and not wanted others to mourn her.

  27. I, Emily Gibbs, Declare this to be my last will and testament. I want my children to enjoy every minute that they have on earth, and never take anyone or anything for granted. I ask George Gibbs to never forget the day we met and the day that I died giving birth to who hopefully turns out as a wonderful child. I am leaving possession division up to my husband George, and My wonderful child.

  28. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. i leave all of my belongings to my husband and child, for them to use on the farm, or to sell at their consent, in order to make more money. i would like to remind my children to enjoy life as much as they can, and to always look on the bright side of life. i wish to tell George to not grieve for my loss, and to find happiness. I wish to tell George to take care of himself and the farm to the best of his abilities. I wish to tell the world that when they take every breath for granted they waste their time. I wish to tell everyone that life is too short to ponder the sorrow in the world. My advice for people would be to work as hard as you can and then enjoy the benefits. To George, I have been saving up money, just like Rebecca has, so I think that you should know that you are allowed to use that money however you wish. I hope that you should be able to move on with your life and find a new wife and be happy. At the same time, I hope that you never forget me, or how I died trying to give a child. I choose not to divide my possessions, because I feel only loyal to you, George Gibbs. I love you and hope that you miss me.
    Emily Gibbs

  29. To Whom it May Concern,
    I, Simon Stimson, declare this to be my last will and testament. As you are reading this letter, it has come to be that I am no longer with you on Earth. Since I am still alive as I write to you, I cannot give you an account on the afterlife or tell you what actually happens after you die. Perhaps I am over the moon, or up on top of the world looking down at your mistakes. Perhaps I am simply dead, my drunken soul too heavy to carry itself for eternity. Either way, no matter where I am or will end up, learn from my mistakes. I did not appreciate life like I should have. With this fear of not knowing what is next, you should. Do not for a second waste it away as I did for so many years. Love your wife, love your husband, love your children, love life and make it what you want. There is always a way to improve your situation, I was just too lazy not to pursue a better one. Look where that got me, I am dead. Dead as the organ when no one is pressing it’s keys. The breath that winds it’s music, muffled.
    Life is meant to be spent with one another, not a bottle of liquor that pollutes your mind and eases the pain. Pain of knowing that you do not have the strength to change, to break the routine. Do not get stuck in bad routine. They say practice makes perfect, but if you practice the wrong thing then that gets you nowhere. This is what brought me to take my life, I was too ashamed. My reputation crumbled me, and the thoughts of others, but let that not be the reason you too cause your life to end. Maybe I will regret it, maybe I will wish to be back. If I am born again, those mistakes will not happen.
    The only possessions I have are my organ and that cursed bottle which warped my mind, but forbade me stop. To my family, all of the future descendants and the young of Grover’s Corners, I leave that bottle, to be put in the time capsule or to be left as a reminder. Warning to all those that are living, not to turn out as I did. You have one chance as we know it, so make it right. My organ I leave to whomever picks it up to play if that is one of our young children, then let them grow with it. It has brought me true joy and I am forever in it’s debt.
    So remember that life truly is great, I just did not make it so for me. It was my fault, none of yours. With my last words on this inked paper, I write that you need not become restless and feel stuck. Explore, discover, soak it up because you never know how your tragedy comes to be or what time that last act takes place.

    To Whomever has Read This and Understands,
    Your Set Example,
    Simon Stimson

  30. I, Emily Webb, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope that this will is followed correctly, because it would mean wonders to my family, and me, if it were. I would like to divide my money between my family, and I hope that it would be used for the farm, and resources. I would like to give two thirds of my money to my husband, so that he will be able to support our farm, and family at once. The rest I would like to dedicate to our children. I would like to have all my personal items, including cloths, and jewelry either sold by my family if needed, or put away until my daughter is of age to wear them. I would like to wish all of my friends, family, and neighbor’s good luck on their lives. To George, I would like to say that you should not waste your live over me when I am gone. Please try to find a way to move on, and live your life happily. The last thing that I would like to say is that this message is not just for my husband. It should be for anybody who needs it, so that maybe they can someday give this advice in their will. This is all that I have to say, Thank you.

  31. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I want this to make sure my family, and friends know how thankful I am of them, and how to distribute my belongings and thoughts. I would like to point out that life is short, and must be lived to the fullest. Enjoy everything that you have left - family, friends, even enemies. I feel like I could have done many other important things in my life besides stay alive, go to school, and marry George. I would like to have all pictures, and valuables to be distributed throughout my close family. George may pick through whatever he wants as long as it is okay with the whole family. I would like the money I have to also be distributed between the family, and if there is extra, give to to the people in need. The house, rooms, and furniture can be either sold, or kept to use family or friends. I wish the money is the furniture is sold goes to good causes to help your life be the best it can. I want all of you who are reading this to know that I do not want you to mourn over me, nothing will change except you will waste your precious lives on something not worth it. I want you to remember everything good about me, none of the bad things including death, and use those to go on with your life and live it up. George, please go to agriculture school and then become a farmer, and earn lots of money so you can do help your family through the hard times, and teach children what you learned when you were little. I want others to be inspired by you if they aren't already. I cannot say anymore, for there is nothing left to be said so I wish you all a good life, and I hope you take my advice.

    Thank you, Emily Webb

  32. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope this will serve as a piece of guidance and comfort for all my loved ones.
    To my dear children, I realize I could give any of my belongings but I wish to give you something more meaningful. I wish to bestow upon my beautiful children a piece of advice that will last forever. Happiness is the key to a better life. That may sound cheesy or conventional but why go through life unhappy? As you may bicker when you're young, I've always hoped my children would be good friends, and I'm sure that is what will be. I love you will all my heart.
    To my dear friends throughout the town, please continue our gatherings without me in another household now that I'm gone. You have been the greatest friends a girl could have.
    To the Gibbs family, Rebecca and Doc Gibbs, you have been such good friends to us and more like a family. I shall always consider you as my family.
    To my mama and papa, you two pushed me to be a better person through life and were the best role models a girl could have. I've met no one like you two and you are the best people in the world. My love goes to you.
    Finally to my dear husband George, to you I bestow everything. Distribute my belongings where you wish and to whom you wish. I trust you with anything. Words cannot express my never-ending love for you. Please don't think of my death as an ending, but a continuation of our journey together. My only wish is for you to move on and find happiness in life.
    To all the ones I held dear to my heart, I love you all. I wish for you not to mourn but to just remember me as you move on with life. Don't take advantage of all that life is, because life is something you can never live again.
    All my love, your dear Emily Webb Gibbs.

  33. I, Emily Webb, declare this to be my last will and testament. My hope is that this will, will help my family and friends continue to live a happy life. I would like to leave my money to my husband George. I know that you will spend it wisely. Buy something nice for the kids. My only hope is that you remember the true meaning of life. Not the money or the vauables but your friends and family.
    Give my two children my best wishes. I will leave them with my own childhood toys, my porcelain doll, my fire truck, and my handmade dollhouse from seventh grade. I know they will like them as much as I did. It seems the joys of life come most to you as a child.
    I will leave my dresses to Rebecca. As well as my sound box which sang me to sleep on the stressful nights of my life. I would also like to leave her with my jewelry, some of which was handed down from several generations. I hope these things help you cope with your stressful lives.
    Sometimes I think that people don’t take life seriously. I think that they don’t appreciate what they have until they are gone. I hope that you appreciate all the gifts that I am giving you. The hardest things about writing this will is seeing the gifts that I am giving you and realizing how little I myself appreciated them.

  34. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I, Emily W. Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. To all you who I love, do not be sad. Yes, think of me whenever you can but do not dwell on the past. Improve upon the future. I knew that this time would come, just hoped that it wouldn't be so untimely. If I was given another opportunity I would tell all of you, don't ever take a day for granted. Live life to it's fullest. You have no idea how much you will miss it once it's gone. Don't let the children think I left them, I think of them every second. Tell them that they are loved deeply. To my parents, thank you so much for raising me. You were the perfect parents, so kind, so wonderful. I will miss you so. The town of grover's corner played a hand in raising me as well, tell them thank you. I won't forget a single one of them. To my amazing friends, don't be sad. Remember the amazing times we had. Remember what we accomplished together. For me, do something amazing. I know you all can. Lastly to my husband, George. George, I'm at a loss for words. I'm not sure what to say to you. You were the only man I ever loved, and ever will love. The only thing that I regret about our relationship is that we did not get to spend more time together. Don't let that hold you down though. Find a nice girl to help you take care of our children.I will not be angry, only happy that you are happy. I will miss you so much, and I will love you forever. As to my belongings, they don't matter. When you die you'll realize they never did. Just be happy with what you have, sell my stuff. Give the money to those who need it, that will give you greater happiness than money itself. There are a few items I would like people to have though. For my wonderful children, pick something that reminds you of me. Keep it forever. And to dear George, keep my wedding ring. I don't need to wear it when I'm buried. No object, can express our marriage. I love you all.

    Your dear,
    Emily Webb Gibbs

  35. I, Emily Gibbs declare this to be my last will and testament. I hope no one is in anguished over my death. I wish that half of my money is given to my husband and that the other half distributed with my children when they venture out to live their own lives. My material possessions like jewelry and dresses are to be given to my daughter when she fits into them. To George, I leave my undying love. Remember “I love you and will never forget you” To my Children, “I wish I could be there to see you kinds grow up, but I won’t. I just wanted to tell you guys that I will always love you no matter what you do with your lives, and remember I will always remember you.” To the rest of my family, “You have an opportunity here to go through the rest of your lives enjoying the things you have. Appreciate what you have now, because what you have now might not be the same as what you have tomorrow.” That is all my family.
    Good Bye Forever
    Emily Gibbs

  36. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this my last will and testament. By writing this I hope my death will come easier to all my loved ones. I would like to leave the little amount of money I have, to my husband who shall use it to raise our kids to the best of his ability. For the rest of my possessions such as my dresses and jewels, I leave those to my daughter who shall receive them when she comes of age. If at any point there is extra money, I would like it to be saved so that the children can go to collage and if not enough for that I hope there is enough money to start them off in there adult lives.
    That is the material stuff but the important thing in life is to know that somebody somewhere loves you and I want each and every person at my funeral to know that if you cared enough to come to my burial and I care enough to love you. Everybody in our small town played an important role is someone’s life. My point in saying this is that looking back on life I didn’t cherish every moment the way that I should have. Every moment is a blessing and always treat it as if it is your last. I will miss you all dearly and wish you the best in life.
    Yours truly,

  37. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I have lived a good life with the help from the people I love. This includes all of my sibling, parents, friends, and my wonderful husband, George Gibbs. I would like to give George half the money I have made in my lifetime along with half of my land. I will give the town the other half of my money. And, I will give my friends the rest of my land and any of my personal belongings. People should know to live life to the fullest because one day you may come across a wonderful experience and blow it off. Growing up with my family, Wally, my Mother, and Father, had been one of the greatest things I’ve had to live. Then I met George Gibbs. First a neighbor, soon a friend, and finally my husband. We have gone through tough times, but they were all times well spent. I can remember the day when I knew we were meant to be. I had been telling him how much he had been focused on baseball instead of myself. He apologized and made it up by getting us some ice cream. George was so in the moment that he had forgotten to pay. This is why I am giving George half my money and land. I know he is a responsible man who I can trust with this gift. I wish I was still living so I could watch my children grow into their older years. I wish I could die next to my husband when we are 100 years old. But that just won’t happen, and it is a tragedy for my life to have ended. When you all get this, I hope that you realize that life is important and you should take good care of your body and what you decide to do. I know that when I was going to die, I was going to be sent up with the rest of the people that I love who have already passed. I wish I could have lived longer, but i am okay, because life was good and I am happy I lived it.

    Wish You All The Best
    Yours Truly,
    Emily Webb Gibbs

  38. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. It will serve to distribute my possessions and share with you my final wishes and thoughts. Before I die, I find it important to write down the thoughts and feelings I’ve been keeping inside of me. I may not have the chance to tell you how I feel when I’m alive, but at least this way they’ll be revealed for you in writing and kept forever. To start off, however, I’d like to distribute my possessions to everyone. George, you can have the money in my savings to distribute to whoever you feel needs it, I trust your judgement. Please give the necklace mother gave to me on my twelve birthday to our daughter when she’s old enough, and all of my old toys to our son. George, please keep the farm in good condition, and raise the kids well. Make sure they have a good education and know how to run the farm. Tell the kids I love them, and hugs and kisses to you all.
    Now. my advice to the world is to appreciate life while you’re still living it. Children, you’re lucky to be children and not have to worry about more important things in life. The decisions I have made in the last couple years alone have been extremely difficult and life-changing. Once you have children of your own, tell them the same thing. I hope I will be alive to see your grandchildren once that day comes. To you, George, I wish you the best with raising the children. Please take care of my father, too. And my advice for the world- “don’t forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have” from Frederick Keonig.

    Emily Gibbs, your wife, mother, and friend

  39. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. To start with, I would like to tell my children and husband that I love them very much. I would like to thank Grovers Corner for providing me with a place to call home, and the people of the town for being such wonderful friends and neighbors. I advise you all to live your life to the fullest extent, and appreciate your life while your still alive. Having said that, I plan on leaving some of my money to my husband. I hope he uses it to improve the farm or use it to help raise the kids. I will also leave him all of my valuable jewelry. The rest of my money will go to my children along with any other valuable possessions that I have .

    Emily Gibbs

    I thought that it was very nice how Rainie added in the part about how emily was thankful for her father!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. To my dear family and friends, I would like you to know that I have never thought of dying as a painful or unhappy experience. More of a peaceful passing from this world to the next. I do not expect that you will take much comfort in these words, but hopefully enough to sooth your fears. I have had a wonderful life, and I do not think that I could have lived it any better. Life, while it may not seem so at such a moment, will go on, and I would hope that you will not grieve too much at my passing. I would like to let my husband, George, know that I wish him to find another woman when he is ready. To my friends, I will miss our weekly tea parties, and if it is possible I hope we can continue them after you too, pass. To all of my loved ones: I hope that you do not take the news of my death too strongly. I would hope that it would be I missing you, and not you missing me.
    I would like for my daughter to assume all of my clothes and jewelry, as heirlooms to give to her own daughter. I would like my son to take the stuffed bear that I so loved as a child, and anything else that he would fancy. George of course, bought me everything I own and so can have anything that he feels that he would like. He may keep choose something specially that reminds him of me, but not too strongly I hope, so his grief will not be too much. To my friends, I would like for you to take anything you want that would remind you of me as well. Something symbolic of our friendship. I would also ask that you take turns cooking for my spouse until he is able to cook for himself, please make sure to uphold our family recipes on holidays, for while George can cook for himself he cannot cook well. There is a small box of family recipes for special occasions in the cupboard farthest to the left, this too, will pass to my daughter eventually if she is of mind to want it. George particularly likes my deviled eggs, so keep that in mind for his birthday and special occasions.

  42. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. I know that it is important for me to express my thoughts through this will as well as sorting out my possesions. First I would like to tell all of my family that I love them, and that they were the best family I could have asked for, and I would like to thank you very much for that. Because of this I would like to leave all of my remaining money to them, to be used for the house and the children.. To my father I would like to leave my childhood posessions to, you were an a mazing dad therefore it is yours. All of my clothes I would like to give to George to sell, give away, etc. Finally I would like to thank the town of Grover's corner for being such a great town for me to grow up in, and i hope you can be as great to my children as you were to me.
    Last I would to share with the people reading this that I hope this will makes my death much easier to deal with. I hope that you all live long fulfilling lives. And always remember how important to live with the people around you. And always be thankful.

    Sincerely Emily Gibbs

    I liked how Lindsey said that Emily's children and George should be happy. look on the bright side and not to grieve about her loss

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this my last will and testament. I am writing this document to divide my possesions and say a final goodbye in the unlikely event that I should pass away. I would like to say a final goodbye to my family, my mother, my father, my beloved husband George, and my baby. george, I hope that you are happy and live a long life. I am going to give all my money to you and our family George. I would like George to donate a small sum of money to a memorial for my dear brother george. I would like to say a final godbye to my friends who have supported me for my whole life. especially brenda, harriet and harry. I would like to donate my piano to the church were I attended service and sang in the choir. I would like my mothers china that she passed on to me to be kept by George and our family. Any items not accounted for should be given to George to keep, sell, or distribute as he wishes.

    I think that how mike said that George should sell all of Emily's clothes because it doesn't make sense to keep them and maybe they can make some money off of them.

  45. I, Emily Gibbs, declare this my last will and testament. I will go away, away of you! My family, my friends and my love, George!
    I want to thank you for all good things you did for me!
    I will spend all my received money to my family and George. I spend my clothes and my other things to the whole town! Appreciate your life while you're living!
    Good bye,
    wish you all the best,

    I agree with Brenna and the appreciate of live.

  46. I, Simon Stimson, declare this to be my last will and testament. I would like to let people know why I died. I couldn't deal with small town life. My job was not fulfilling and I drank to escape from life. I became steadily more depressed before I finally decided to kill myself. I love my family and the people of this town, but I have to escape. Everyone did very good things for me, and the only one to blame for my death is me. I didn't seek help because I didn't think that anyone would understand. I leave everything to my wife. She put up with all of my drinking and loved me through it all.
    Simon Stimson

  47. I, emily gibbs, declare this to be my last will and testament. i would like for half of my money to go to my dear husband and half to my loving children. As for my belonging i would like for them to go to my dear mother so she may distrubute them if she wants. i would like it if all of my loved ones live like there is no tomorrow and try not to mourn i am in a better place now

    emily G.
