Friday, April 6, 2012

Question of the Week (4/6/12)

Next week we will be working on personal narratives. Choose one of the topics below and write a rough draft. It should be at least 500-750 words, but should read like a journal entry written from the first-person point of view. We will share these in class on Wednesday. Be sure to post your rough draft by 3 p.m. on Tuesday.

1.In chapter one Rennie describes a major change in her life (the opening of the Tallgrass Japanese Internment Camp). Write about a major change that you have experienced in your life.

2. Rennie talks about Betty Joyce as her best friend (5). Describe a childhood best friend or tell a story about an event that is about you and your best friend.

3.Rennie very much respects her father and what he thinks of her. Write about a lesson learned from a parent or another respected adult (relative, coach, counselor, teacher, etc.).

4.Loyal does not usually agree with the sentiments of the rest of his community, but he is not afraid to state his mind and stand by his beliefs.  Tell a story of your experience standing up for something or someone you believe in OR someone standing up for you.

5. Rennie may only be 13 years old, but she has a lot of responsibility resting on her shoulders since her older siblings are away, her grandmother suffers with memory loss and her mother seems to be more and more tired each day. Chores still need to get done and Rennie becomes aware of the fact that she has to help her family to get them done instead of spending her time reading in the haymow or exploring the farm.  Write about a time where you either realized you had more responsibility than before or that you realized that you needed to step up your efforts in a group (your family, a team, a class, etc).

6. Rennie loves Granny and she is an important part of the family.  Write about a memory or story of a grandparent or other elderly friend or relative who is or has been  important to you.

7.Write about a time that you have made a parent -- or respected adult figure -- proud.

8. Rennie used to find solitude up in the haymow, reading or just listening to the sounds of the farm. Write about a place where you find or have found solitude and peace.

9.Rennie's family seems to be in the minority at the town meeting in the discussion of hiring Japanese people from the camp to work on their farms.  Write about a time when you have been in a situation where you found yourself in the minority on an opinion or idea.

10.Rennie had a strong relationship with her sister Marthalice when she was living at home and clearly misses her while she is living in Denver. She also loves her brother Buddy and misses him too. Write about your relationship with a sibling/siblings who is/are important to you.