Friday, May 20, 2011

Grammar Exercise Homework for 5/20/11

Use the following list to write a story and/or sentences utilizing the following grammatical concepts:

  1. Use then AND than in a sentence (they can be in the same sentence or two different sentences).
  2. Serial comma (lions, tigers, and bears)
  3. conjunctive adverb (The man ran for pubic office; however he did not win the seat.)
  4. Use all commonly confused words in one or more sentences: to, two, too
  5. Use all commonly confused words in one or more sentences: its, it's
  6. Use all commonly confused words in one or more sentences: your, you're
  7. Correctly punctuated interrupting clause or appositive phrase (
  8. Proper use of semicolon
  9. Proper use of colon 
    10.Use of independent/dependent clause with coordinating conjunction
    AND use 10 vocabulary words from sections 5.1-5.5 in your sentences. Please underline your 10 vocabulary words.

Be sure to number your sentences with the corresponding number. Sentences/stories are due on Monday, May 23 when you come to class. If you need additional help or have questions consult:

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