Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting Started

Welcome to Hanover High School and your English 9 class! If you don't already have a google account, click getting started and create one. Then introduce yourself to the class.


  1. I am Aidan Nagle I play football and am on the JV team. My birthday is in january.

  2. Hey I'm Ethan and i like puppies and kittens. I play football and my favorite color is red.

  3. Hello,

    My name is Dewey MacMillen and I am a freshman. I am 14 and my birthday is in May. I love playing field hockey, ice hockey, and hanging out with my friends(Giulia.) English is one of my favorite subjects in school:)


  4. I'm Jesse Weiss. My birthday's in July, and I love the color purple. My favorite food is raspberries. I live in Hanover, I'm a freshman, and I play tennis.

  5. hi
    my name is liza. my birthday is august 23. im from hanover. yay..

  6. Hi i am gus white. i enjoy teaching my grasshoppers to swim and long walks on the beach with my self. Not reall. I play alot of sports. I like to play hockey baseball and football. i also like to sing. I have a sister who may be an offspring of the devil and my favorite colo is unkown.

  7. Hey, I'm Molly, and I'm a freshman at Hanover High. I live in Hanover and I play softball. I have three cats named Bish, Mylo and Felix. I also like to figure skate :)

  8. Well name is jay and i love to bike and my birthday is TOMORROW!!!

  9. Hey how's it going. I am just so pleased to be a part of this wonderful community. My name is Ethan Demarest I enjoy long walks on the beach and sitting around a campfire singing songs about glory and fame. I have one kitten, her name is Spaz she enjoys growling at dogs and running into walls when scared.

  10. Hello Everyone,
    I am Henry Butler. I currently reside in Norwich, VT. I like to sing, and I am not that bad at it. I love to travel, and I enjoy being a good leader. I am one of the council representatives for the freshman class, and I would love to answer any questions anybody has about the high school, and being helpful is something I enjoy. Council meetings are every friday during 4th period. PLEASE COME!!!!!

  11. hey ethan h. Your comment was stupendous. Although i thot your comment needed a bit more spiffy ness. Maybe add some more facts about yourself and expand on what you were talking about.

  12. jay, I LOVE it Absolutely perfect.

  13. My name is Jay. I go to Hanover High School. My favorite sport is basketball.

  14. I really enjoyed reading Gus' introduction. It was quite entertaining and enjoyable. However, Gus, your intro had a few typing and spelling errors:)


  15. OK so I've tried this now like 4 times and it hasn't been working

    anyway- My name is Giulia like Julia spelled different. My birthday is July 22, I love july because it's the summer and it's when I go to Martha's Vineyard for two weeks. I love Martha's Vineyard! I love hanging out with my friends(dewey) Anyway. I love soccer and the sun. And I'm rather excited for fall.

  16. thats a good thought giulia. but u need to make it more lively. i want to look at it an say wow. right now im only saying Woah. all in all a great comment just maybe add a bit more next time

  17. I'm Theo. I like lots of things including food.
